Indian Chess News

An informatory blog about the latest happenings in Indian Chess. Fans of Indian chess can obtain up to date information about their favorite player's achievements. This blog will stay away from politics. These are my personal views. Your comments are always welcome!!!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Arun Prasad becomes GM

Arun prasad has achieved 2500 rating level and already has 3 GM norms which has helped him become India's 18th GM

Meanwhile Kritika Nadig has scored a IM norm from sort open ches tourny 2008 and Srinath has won a IM tournament in Czech Republic 2008 and has earned 2nd IM norm.

Parimarjan Negi won Philadelphia international

Parimarjan Negi has won Philadelphia international open chess tourny 2008 by clear first position. HE also tied for creditable 1st position in world open chess tourny 2008.
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