Indian Chess News

An informatory blog about the latest happenings in Indian Chess. Fans of Indian chess can obtain up to date information about their favorite player's achievements. This blog will stay away from politics. These are my personal views. Your comments are always welcome!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Mayor's cup Mumbai international

In Mayors cup Mumbai international chess tourny, after 11 rounds, Humpy finished with creditable 2nd position on tiebreak with GM Krasenkow. Thejkumar earned a GM norm while B.T. Murali Krishnan and Ram S. Krishnan have already made IM norms.

Negi finishes 1st tied in kaupthing open

Parimarjan Negi finished with creditable tied 1st position in Kaupthing open international chess tournament 2008.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Anand wins 5th Oscar!!!

Anand has won the prestigious chess oscar for the year 2007. This is his record 5th chess oscar.
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