Indian Chess News

An informatory blog about the latest happenings in Indian Chess. Fans of Indian chess can obtain up to date information about their favorite player's achievements. This blog will stay away from politics. These are my personal views. Your comments are always welcome!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

GM Ganguli has won Sydney International 2008

GM Ganguli has won Sydney international chess tournament 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

Melody amber 2008

Melody Amber chess tournament just ended and although its a rapid and blindfold event, surprisingly Anand did not perform well . He finished with 7th position combined event ranking.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Reykjavic open 2008- Sahaj Grover earns IM norm

Sahaj Grover most probably earned an IM norm in the Reykjavic open tournament played in Iceland.
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