Indian Chess News

An informatory blog about the latest happenings in Indian Chess. Fans of Indian chess can obtain up to date information about their favorite player's achievements. This blog will stay away from politics. These are my personal views. Your comments are always welcome!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Aeroflot 2007 chess tournament

Many Indians participated seeking GM, IM norms. Indians have shown quite inconsistent peformance...lots of up and downs... Harika and Rohit performed best among Indians. Rohit G obtained his well deserved GM norm while Harika seems to have missed it by a whisker. Arun Karthik obtained IM norm from group B.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Koneru Humpy vs Deepan Chakravarthy match

GM Humpy and GM Deepan played 8 game match called as vizag challenger trophy (Humpy won the match 5.5-2.5). I think they should have invited a strong foreign female player like Alexandra kosteniuk or stefanova to play against Humpy. That would have generated a lot of interest.
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