Indian Chess News

An informatory blog about the latest happenings in Indian Chess. Fans of Indian chess can obtain up to date information about their favorite player's achievements. This blog will stay away from politics. These are my personal views. Your comments are always welcome!!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

GM Koneru Humpy awarded Padmashri

GM Koneru Humpy has been awarded prestigious Padmashri award from Govt of India for consistent outstanding peformance in chess. Only Anand has won this award before for chess.

Monday, January 29, 2007

GM Magesh Panchnathan on front page of chess life magazine

GM Magesh has appeared on the front page of chess magazine chess life in US as a pan am chess champion team of University of Dallas...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Corus Wijk aan Zee -2007

Corus GM tournament just finished. After 13 rounds, Anand finished with 5th position due to losses to kramnik and topalov. Negi finished with creditable 4th position in group C.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Parsvanath international open 2007- Rohit becomes IM

Parsvanath international open chess tournament was won by Alexi Dreev. G. Rohit earned his last IM norm to become IM and also earned GM norm in the process. He finished as top indian. Abhijeet Gupta and Arun Prasad also earned GM Norm. Adhiban earned well deserved IM norm with fine performance.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Harikrishna looses in ACP world rapid cup, Srinath earns IM norm

Harikrishna lost to Moro in a rapid match in first round of ACP world rapid cup after a strong fight. 0-1, 1-0, 0-1, 1-0, 0-1
Meanwhile N. Srinath earned IM norm in hastings international chess tournament by earning 5.5/9 points.
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